Home Stability

An extensive amount of research has been done showing the negative impacts of instability in the home on children. Too much change, fear of job security, single parenting, income and fear of not covering the rent are all factors that affect children, causing them to feel stressed and insecure. The same is probably true for parents or individuals. When you fear that your home isn’t stable, that it isn’t a safe and nurturing place for you, you will struggle to rest and relax and recuperate when you get home. If you’re worrying that you won’t make your rental money, you’ll be consumed by thoughts of where you’ll end up, what will happen to your goods. This means you will remain preoccupied and unfocussed at your place of work. This isn’t going to serve you and you will probably start to make mistakes, which in turn will lead to thoughts of being fired, which will further stress you out. Why not try and ask for help? Often we feel as though we are completely alone and no one can save us from the problems we have. We feel we must push through and miraculously solve everything ourselves. But that isn’t true. If you take a moment to consider your situation and where the problems lie, perhaps you could discuss this constructively with your boss or HR manager at work. Could you speak to an older family member who can help you plan and advise? Perhaps you should visit your bank and ask them for help. Or perhaps there is an online tool that could help you. You are not alone, and being in constant fear of losing your home, or having relationship problems at home, that consume your every thought, will only lead to chronic stress and ultimately disease. Take charge of your destiny and decide to seek out a solution to your problem. You need a safe place to go home to at the end of every day – so take the first steps to making that happen. May the VITAFORCE be with you.

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